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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Favourite Vancouver Riot Quips from the Interwebs

Dear Vancouver: If a teargas canister is thrown at you, DO NOT hide behind someone in a Luongo jersey. They won't be able to stop it.

Rioting is ridiculous. Although it is more logical to riot after your team loses than after it wins...Way to riot properly Vancouver!!

The Vancouver police are sending Tim Thomas out to stop the riot. He has stopped everything else in these finals.

Vancouver's calling in the Mounties? Unless one of them is Jacques Rougeau, I don't see them being able to stop the riot.

On the plus side. Due to their loss, Harper is offering the entire Vancouver Canuks roster seats in Senate.

At G20 they smashed up a Scotiabank, in Vancouver they skipped the Scotiabank and attacked a BMO. See? Pays being the Bank Of Hockey

You would think Vancouver would be too mellow to riot with the good pot they have up there.

Dear Vancouver: When I try to picture rioting Canadians, the only images that pop to mind are Terrance & Phillip

87% of the rioters in Vancouver are hipsters trying to take artsy videos on their iphones for their Emily Carr 3rd year project

Dear Vancouver: Thank you for your interest in another NBA franchise, but I'm afraid we'll have to pass. Signed, Commissioner D. Stern.

Saying "Vancouver" is rioting now would be the like saying New Yorkers are rioting if the cast of Jersey Shore burned a car in Times Square.

Skip Bayless has about 10 hours to figure out how the Vancouver riots are LeBron James' fault.

About to go to sleep in my comfy bed in peaceful and beautiful toronto. Glad to be farrr away from those savages in Vancouver. LoL

To all the sad Vancouver people. Please. You have a condo bubble and weed. Chill.

I'm glad the rioters are at least all white males, so police can rightfully beat them without fear of racial accusations.

The craziest thing about the riot photos coming out of Vancouver right now? Remembering it's still sunny there at 1am ET.

Vancouver riot? Over a hockey game? You didn't even care when Harper got majority.

The Vancouver Police will have so much fun trolling Facebook tomorrow finding all the idiots posting pics of themselves.

The Vancouver police are sending Tim Thomas out to stop the riot. He stopped everything else in these finals.

At least when Toronto got destroyed during the G20, it was mostly non-torontonians responsible for the damage. Vancouver destroying their OWN city is just about as stupid as a man smashing his own Lambo into his own house. Why on earth would you destroy your own city? Fucking neanderthals.

To avoid projectiles, Health Canada advises bystanders in the Vancouver riots not to take shelter behind Roberto Luongo.

Hey Vancouver, Imma let you finish in a minute, but Montreal had the biggest hockey riots OF ALL TIME!!

Dear Vancouver, you call that a riot? Sincerely, Los Angeles

Vancouver, its a brutal loss and all, but the longer you riot, the more of a chance Nickelback will make a song about it. Please stop.

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