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Friday, June 17, 2011

Minor Rant...

Dear Fucktards,

Can you please type like a normal person? Your comments are very annoying to read. And you're not being alternative by typing like a wanker. You're just being a wanker. There's a reason why there aren't many people that TyPe LkE DiS and it's because it bugs the shit out of other people and makes you looks stupid in the process. Pretending you don't know how to spell words like "They", "Probably" and "Because" is not cool, it makes us want to chain you to the front doors of the Sylvan Learning Center until you can write home to your mother without it looking like this:
MaN DiS Is ThE cOoLeSt WhItE GiRl RaPpInG sIncE...EvA!!Nd AnY1 WHo HaS A BaD ThInG AgAinst HeR Is Becoz DeR PrObLi WhIte Nd R JuS JeAlOuS CoZ deY CaNt Rap Or SiNg 4 ShiT!!

xx..****** Is Sicckk, Ive Alwayzz Thought So, She's Got Attitude, She Ent Scared o Say Wat She Thinks && She's A Straight Joka...How Can People Not Like Her?
&& Shut Ya Mouthh If Ur Sayin She's Rappin Wiv A Black Accent (Unless Ur British) Cos That Is An Average Voice For Sumbodi Her Age From London..Plus Da Word Ent Rappin, Its Called Spittin, So Pleaz Dont Cum On Ere && Say Ur Peice Unless Yu Rele No Wat ur Talkin About..xx

fankoo i agree.i frickin talk lyk dat it aynt no fuckin blk accent! loool x dickeadz! oo eve ****** is ...good on ya! xxx luv yew all xx

Grammar and Spelling Police.

PS. When the FUCK did "&&" become a fad amongst online jargon???
If you used that in actual spoken sentences as often as you use it in typewritten ones (if thats what you can call that shit) then you would just end up sounding like you had a fucking stutter.

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