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Monday, August 15, 2011

Parenthood is a Privilege.

Parents. You're so lucky.
I hope and pray that every single parent out there, cherishes every single waking moment they have with their kids. Never takes one single, happy or not-so-happy, nerve-wrenching moment for granted.

Let me just start with this disclaimer: Every single person I know that has kids, is a loving and doting mother or father. Three of my six younger sisters are mothers, and they are fabulous at it. I get the privilege everyday of seeing people rejoicing in the adorable little foibles that their kids bring to their day-to-day. Pictures and videos and status updates of my nieces and nephew and all of the adorable and not so awesome things they do. My friend updates his Facebook status to say, "There's just something about going in and checking on my son that makes my heart melt. Thank you Shannon." (his fiancĂ©e & mother of his child)
It melts my heart to read things like that. 

Every time your child knocks over their glass of milk, or asks you to help with their homework, or asks you incessant "why, why, why's?" or falls asleep in your arms, or tells you they don't want this dinner cause they like that other one you make better, or tries to wear your clothes, your makeup or your workboots, or spits up on you, or needs to be rocked back to sleep in the middle of the night, or needs you to kiss the boo boo on their scraped knee to make it all better, or needs you to check under the bed and in the closet for monsters...3 times every night, or can't fall asleep til you've read them that special story that they love so much and kiss them on the forehead the way you do....
the list can go on and on of the tiny things that happen as a parent that I can only dream of experiencing.

Sadly, this is a sore subject for me. I've only ever imagined my life to be that of a mothers. I'm turning 31 this week, I am as of yet, still single, unmarried and childless while almost every single person I know that is a decade older or younger than I am, has kid(s).
I am genuinely happy for them. I actually seem to appreciate the presence of social networking even more, since I get to live vicariously through them, through the updates online of the birth of their twins, a video of baby's first word/steps/haircut/day of school... and then sometimes, I hit a trigger moment of panic, agony and depressive despair.
Like when I hear someone desperately talking about how their birth control better never fail as they never want children. Or someone that is younger than I am, that willingly elects to get their tubes tied in order to prevent future pregnancies. While that is absolutely their right to make those decisions with their lives, and I completely respect that right to do so, I can't help but feel a pang of overwhelming jealousy at their ability or need to even MAKE that decision.
And that is MY right to feel like that.
I will probably have to come to terms with the fact that I will never feel the joy of bringing home baby from the hospital, making all the funny little mistakes that first time parents make, having sleepless nights because my baby is colicky and just wont sleep, making them breakfast, lunch and dinner, sending them off to school, embarrassing them in front of their friends because "Mommy wants a hug goodbye", helping them learn how to deal with bullies, rejection, crushes, a failed test, a broken heart, the loss of a pet, a stubbed toe, the importance of being a good person no matter how unfair it seems that good things sometimes happen to bad people, endless laundry/dishes...
Yes. I willingly WANT all of those things and all the countless other ones that go hand in hand with being a Mom.
It's all I've ever wanted. To be even a FRACTION as good of a Mom as my mother is, would be phenomenal. 
We didn't have a lot of money. The things I remember from my childhood have nothing to do with what brand of clothes I wore, what I got for Christmas/birthdays, what my parents drove, how big our house was, or how much stuff we had in it. My memories are of all of the things my Mom sacrificed for me. When my parents might have been out with friends for the first time in a year, and I get so sick that the babysitter has to call them to come home. She would stay up all night with me, rubbing my back while I threw up for hours. Or EVERY SINGLE TIME that I woke up from a nightmare, my mother was there to hold me silently, rock me back and forth until I felt calm and safe again no matter how long it took. Or waking up extra early to make my favourite breakfast, "just because". Or helping me with my homework and making me feel like Einstein even when I felt like the dumbest person in the world. She gave up her youth, her sleep, her social life and probably sometimes, even her sanity, to be a Mom. And a damn good one.
My Mom always knew what to say, when to say it and when to say nothing at all.
My mother is the most amazing person in my entire universe (yes, I have my own universe, and she is all of it), and I could only dream, since I was about 17yrs old, that I would one day have a child of my own to teach right from wrong, and trust to make their own mistakes while always reassuring that I would be there for them no matter what they did.
That kind of trust is lifelong and she is my best friend.
Instead, I get to spend the rest of my adult life, working to make money, to buy things. No special birthday presents to surprise my 6yr old with when she gets home from school, no sports teams to sign them up for when they show an interest.  No surprise trips to the amusement park just for being good, or a trip to the ice cream shop for getting straight A's... Nope, I get to spend the rest of my DAYS with a life of material things that I can't take with me when I go. Things that won't stand at my bedside and hold my hand when I'm sick, things that won't stand at my casket and mourn me when I die. No legacy to leave, no memories to live on in someone that shares my DNA.

So every single time that one of you wants to pull your hair out, or hide in the bathroom just to get a moment alone or scream into a pillow just to let it out, feel free to do so since I know that kids can definitely ride your last nerve incessantly, but just please remember, that for every moment that makes you grit your teeth, there's someone out there aching to have a bowl of cereal to clean up off the floor, or crayon to clean off the walls, or chocolate syrup to clean off the ceiling (it happens, I've seen it lol).

I know that I should focus on something else to strive for, a career, a great love, an exciting life.... but sadly, I find that every moment that I spend focusing on trying to make those things happen, I waste another second of my young life, not being that everything to that someone that I created. Your child doesn't care if you have crooked teeth, you're overweight, if you have short or long hair, brown or blonde, wear makeup everyday, wear brand name clothes or designer sunglasses, drive a fancy car, have a $400,000 house, give them 2 gifts of 20 gifts for their birthday, spend $50 on a brand name outfit that they will stain while picking raspberries or rip while riding their bike, if you have the latest electronics, have $1000 or $100,000 in your savings account, have laugh lines or snort when you laugh. Your child loves your laugh. Will never forget your kind, loving eyes and knows only that your (long or short) hair always smelled of lavender when you cuddled them to sleep. Their love for you does not discriminate. 
This is the stuff that matters in life.
Everything else, it's just STUFF.

That is all.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stephen King references in the SyFy series Haven

These are the reasons I love being a King Fan. References of his other works are peppered throughout this series, and through many other books and movies.
I just watched the 2nd season premiere of Haven (after catching up on the entire first season online while sick in bed for the last few days) and the scene with the little boy chasing the paper boat was a great nod to IT, right down to the storm drain reach and everything. Which is also reference in the Harmony episode when the table at the hospital is covered in folded paper boats, and many other episodes where they mention the fictional town of Derry (also in about a dozen other King stories).
The mass vomiting in one episode at the farmers market is a reference to the pie eating scene in Stand By Me. 
In the episode where they are all gathered for Audrey's birthday, Vince gives her a book titled "Misery Unchained" and makes reference to "before that lady chopped off his foot". In the same episode, Duke trips over a tricycle (The Shining) in a huge hotel meant to look and feel like the Overlook Hotel from the same book/movie.
In the finale, Max shows up dressed identically in head to toe denim, as Randall Flagg did in The Stand carrying a bag from Shawshank Prison which is mentioned a lot throughout the episode. (Randall Flagg being the villain in a lot of Kings works) and also mentioned again in the episode with "The Dark Man".
The Stand is referenced again when they introduce Abigail "Abby" Fremantle, who moved to Haven from Nebraska. Which is also the name and home of "Mother Abigail" from The Stand.
Little Tall Island from Dolores Claiborne is also mentioned in an episode.
The Children of the Corn is directly referenced in the same episode.
A toy car is shown in the second to last episode that is an identical replica of the Red & White Plymouth Fury, Christine.
I can't wait to see more references to all Kings other work in this show. To anyone who was turned off by its first couple episodes, I highly suggest toughing it out. A lot of it is essential character introduction but the episodes get MUCH better. And really, the finale was enough to make you come back for season 2.
The sneak peek for the next episode shows that they may also reference Cujo (minus the St Bernard) and also Pet Semetary when one lady sees her dead husband at the grocery store and says, "This isn't right! I buried you!"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Small Terrier Beaten to Death with a Bat.

This story sickens me. I understand that a parents first reaction to whatever caused their child pain is to retaliate. I GET THAT. But this poor, defenceless dog was beaten with a bat, while chained up and probably no bigger than that mans head.
I have a similar sized terrier...
He's a good dog who loves to play with children. But as with ANY size/breed of dog, sometimes his patience can run out when constantly provoked. He may let out a nip or a growl or a full out bark. And just as children of a toddler age don't know how else to communicate with a dog, neither do dogs to children. How else will a dog tell a 2 year old that he no longer wishes to have his tail or ears pulled for the 20th time that morning, unless he communicates that by walking away or growling/nipping/barking.
I would hardly call what happened in this story an "attack".
The father should've been watching his child of 18 months.
The dog was chained up, why not just remove your daughter from the yard?
I'm pretty sure he didn't just so happen to have a bat in his hand when it happened.
He purposefully went to retrieve a bat, and didn't have the good sense to fight that parental rage inside of him that wanted to harm the animal that harmed his daughter. (she didn't even require stitches by the way).
In a world filled with hypocrisy, it makes me ponder the idea.... What would he do or feel, as a parent whose child had seen this unspeakable act of vengeance on a small pet in public?
If it had been HIS small terrier that had nipped at little Teddy's 12 yr old owner and that boys father came out and beat the dog to death in front of his young daughter with no regard as to the effect his actions have on everyone involved?
Stolen innocence. Thats what that is.
When I was 12, I truly believed the world was still a fun and beautiful place. Where people were generally good natured and kind hearted and the bad guys only existed in the movies and campfire stories.
I know that sounds like a very naive and ignorant view of the world, but @ that age, ignorance IS bliss.

My heart goes out to the little boy that had to cradle his dead dog's crumpled body at the hands of his neighbours rage. And the people and families that had to witness it.
I understand the urge to protect your daughter from harm.... but why make a poor, defenceless dog pay for your parenting mistake?
And if an accident happens because YOU werent more vigilant in preventing it, then you have no one to blame but yourself and should take accountability for your actions (or lack thereof).

I know this may receive a lot of hate from the parents out there that say they would do the same to protect their children, but I find that to be ridiculous. My sisters and I, and even the kids I went to school with, caused greater injury to each other during our childhoods than this dog did to that child.
None of our parents went all "vigilante" and killed those kids that hurt theirs.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Click here for the story and petition pertaining to little Teddy's ultimate demise.


So after 4 days straight of incessant rain, the sun finally came out today... Long enough for me to sit on the deck, enjoy a nice double caesar and a bbq'd burger. Now it's 1.35pm and there's a big ol' storm cloud makin' its way over to block out my precious sun. Looks like it's gonna be another indoor/cleaning/movie watchin kinda day after all.
The yard work will just have to wait again I guess. ;)

Monday, June 20, 2011


Ever notice how overused that word is and underwhelming it is to hear it?
Especially here in Canada... Christ, we say sorry for EVERYTHING here! hahahhaha
But every once in awhile, a sincere apology serves it purpose. And It's almost like witnessing a miracle.
It truly is a beautiful thing.
When it has meaning.
Click here to see an interactive, 360 degree view of the Vancouver Riots.

Definitely worth a look.

Friday, June 17, 2011

You haven’t seen the last of me.

Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But there’s just something so strong
Somewhere inside me
And I am down but I’ll get up again
Don’t count me out just yet
I’ve been brought down to my knees
And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven’t seen the last of me
They can say that
I won’t stay around
But I’m gonna stand my ground
You’re not gonna stop me
You don’t know me
You don’t know who I am
Don’t count me out so fast
I’ve been brought down to my knees
And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven’t seen the last of me
There will be no fade out
This is not the end
I’m down now
But i’ll be standing tall again
Times are hard but
I was built tough
I’m gonna show you all what I’m made of
I’ve been brought down to my knees
And I’ve been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I’ll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
I am far from over
You haven’t seen the last of me
I’m not going nowhere
I’m staying right here
You won’t see me begging
I’m not taking my bow
Can’t stop me
It’s not the end
You haven’t seen the last of me

Facebook Server Issues.

I can't remember the last time Facebook crashed. There must be plenty of facebook addicts going nuts right now. Thanks god I have my blog (that no one reads) hahahhahhaha

26,000 sex website passwords exposed by LulzSec | Naked Security

26,000 sex website passwords exposed by LulzSec | Naked Security

6 Things You Won’t Believe Got Banned By Modern Governments |

6 Things You Won’t Believe Got Banned By Modern Governments |

Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs - My Modern Metropolis

Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs - My Modern Metropolis

10 Hilarious Vintage Cellphone Commercials [VIDEOS]

10 Hilarious Vintage Cellphone Commercials [VIDEOS]

Follow me on Instagram

Inkstagram - My Photos

That snake is just a rope.

I'm walking in the desert and I see an enormous snake. I'm terrified of snakes, so I jump back and my heart is beating and I'm paralyzed with fear. Then I happen to look again, and I see that the snake is actually a rope.


Now I invite you to stand over the rope for one thousand years and try to make yourself afraid of it again. You can't. Because you have realized for yourself what is true. That is self-realization. You realize that the snake is a rope and that there's nothing to be afraid of. It was just a misunderstanding.

The mind is full of apparent snakes - the stressful thoughts that cause us sadness or anger or depression. I can tell you that every snake in the mind is actually a rope. There are no exceptions. If you think you have a problem that cannot be fixed, you're confused. You're looking at a rope and seeing a snake. Life is not fearful. It's our unanswered questions about life and subsequent fear that cause our suffering, not life itself. Life is benevolent and kind and good, and we always have more than we need under all circumstances. But it takes a thoroughly questioned mind to see that.

You won't MAKE them happy. Don't Try.

Have you ever dated someone who was always
depressed, no matter what you did?

Some people have a great deal invested in being
down in the dumps all the time - and don't you
dare try to change their mind.

For several months, I dated an art teacher. He had
one particular hang-up - he did not like the holidays.
He did not want to have anything to do with celebrating
Christmas. Why? Because it depressed him.

So unfortunately, we happened to be dating at holiday
time. I was not supposed to get him anything. We couldn't
celebrate anything. It "depressed" him.

Some people do wallow in misery because they are
more comfortable being miserable than being happy!

Another thing about some people like this - they like
the alarmed, concerned attention it brings out in others!!

If you are in a relationship with one of these Joes, or Jills,
I want you to know that you cannot make him or her happy!

In fact, your own happiness will be a constant reminder to
him of how depressed he is - and intends to remain, thank
you very much!!

So please do not spend your life trying to make someone happy
who does not WANT to be happy - it's a little game some people
play. It's a great way to get a lot of attention and nurturing!

Time Machine Instructions

See... all it took was a few bong hits, and some free time (exactly 5722.547 hours of free time), and the recipe was simple.

4 Condor eggs
1 Paperclip (unfolded)
1 Slice of fairycake ( preferrably of the mint chocolate chip variety, for enhanced time recognition)
4 Stuffed bears (unstuffed)
14 Cups of chuck norris' beard hair (donated, for you will never, EVER live to tell the tale of "that time you tried to steal chuck norris' beard")
2 Nickels
4 Quarters
2 Rubberbands 

and finally

1 Mallet

Combine all ingredients, and strike the test subject with mallet. no word of a lie, the test subject will be hurled forward in time, with no recollection of the time passed since activating the 'on' switch (mallet).

Another oldie from my old blog.

50 Things That Girls Wish GUYS Knew.

1. Don't tell us when you think other girls are hot.
2. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
3. If you don't act like soap-opera guys, don't expect us to dress like Victoria Secret models.
4. Mark anniversaries on a calendar.
5. There is no such thing as too much spooning.
6. Just because you L the C doesn't mean we have to S the D.
7. This is how we see it . . . Don't call = Don't Care.
8. Which also means that if we don't call, take the hint.
9. We like you to be a little jealous . . .it shows you care. But overly possessive is not necessary.
10. Putting things in our butt does not turn us on.
11. Return favors: we massage, you massage; we go down, you go down; we shave, you shave (and not just your face).
12. Foreplay is not an option . . . its a prerequisite.
13. We're allowed to be late . . . you are not.
14. Eye contact is key.
15. Don't take longer to get ready than we do.
16. Laugh at our jokes.
17. Three words . . . honesty, honesty, honesty.
18. Girls can be groupies. Guy groupies are stalkers.
19. We should never have to wonder if your orgasm was real.
20. Do not start with us. You will not win... not kidding .. we ALWAYS win.
21. Would you like it if a guy treated your sister or mother that way? We didn't think so. So stop doing it to us.
22. If you ask nicely, we usually answer the same way.
23. We will never have enough clothes or shoes!
24. We have an excuse to act bitchy at least once a month.
25. Open the door for us no matter where we are . . . even at our house and getting into the car.
26. We love surprises!
27. We liked to be kissed softly, not with an iron tongue.
28.Pay attention to the little things we do, because they mean the most.
29. Boxers and maybe boxer briefs sometimes . . . NEVER whitey-tighties, NEVER!
30. Clean your room before we come over.
31. Always brush your teeth before you see us . . . a fresh mouth is a necessity.
32. When we use our teeth it means that you suck at going down on us, so we are just returning the favor.
33. Even though you are sometimes insensitive and hurt us, we still love you with everything we are. It's called LOYALTY.
34. Sometimes even when you think we hate you, we don't, we just want you to apologize so we can be allowed to love you again.
35. Don't act hard around your friends because I won't make you hard tonight.

36. Sometimes "NO!" really means "NO!"
37. "Wife Beaters" are not an adequate form of fashion.
38. If we wanted to be on video tape, we'd be a porn star not your girlfriend.
39. Sensitive guys are great . . . but crying more than we do in a movie just isn't right.
41. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.
42. Guys who are good cuddlers = guys who know how to satisfy a woman.

43. "Fat Chicks" have feelings too.
44. Silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling and nasty looks all add up to . . . YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!
45. If you are not a good dancer, please be self-aware.
46. Just because a girl doesn't pick up on the first ring doesn't mean she's not waiting by the phone.
47. You don't have to spend a lot, if it means a lot.
48. Don't say you love me if you don't mean it.
49. Don't lie to us . . . we will catch you.

50. When the girls get together, we talk about EVERYTHING. Meaning my best friends know everything about you. Yes. EVERYTHING.

Foot In Mouth Syndrome - I have it.

Ya know that thing ya do when you're sooooper over-analytical, and have too much time on your hands and let your imagination get the best of you and end up offending/pissing off a really cool person and possibly risk them never talking to you again because you stuck your foot so far in your mouth that you'll be spittin' laces for the rest of eternity? 
I totally just did that. 
And I'm totally sorry. 



Definitely feeling this crunch. I'm distracted by something that I have no control over and because I have a tad bit of an obsessive personality, I can't seem to distract myself from the distraction.
He's pissing me off, to put it plainly, but rather than confront him and do more damage by looking like the crazy bitch that wants answers, I've taken the passive aggressive route.
I really should learn my damn lesson. When he doesn't message/call me, I get pissed off. When I become too weak-willed and break down and contact him myself (giving him the benefit of the doubt that he may just be busy) and don't get a reply, it pisses me off even more. Pissed off at him for blatantly ignoring me, but mostly pissed off at myself for not being strong enough to fight the urge to contact him.
I really live in a fantasy world. Always try to see the best in people. Never assuming the truth of some. Never wanting to admit that someone could just plainly be a shallow, materialistic, lying, asshat with no reason to treat me badly.

How on earth can I be 30 yrs old and still have the same boy problems I had when I was 16?
I shoulda just gotten married when I was 20 ...

But in the meantime, I know I should just delete him from my phone.



So my friends and their kids left bright and early for their flight this morning and even with music and my dog keeping me company, this house is VERY quiet compared to the boisterous chaos that it's usually filled with. Not sure what I'll do for the next two weeks, but I'm going to fight the urge to go back to my condo "for something", cause I'm too lazy to make my way back here. Hah. At least I'm being honest about it.
I can't wait til I can start my clinical ...I know I say that now but I know once it starts and I'm working long, wretched UNPAID hours for 8 weeks, I might regret saying it.
For now, I'm gonna keep working on this massive 9 page article that I'm a week behind on (9 pages?!?! Really??? I have to cut that shit down to 2 pages at 8pt font!)
Hopefully I actually get it finished today.

Last thing I need is Dax takin my name off that staff page, Lord knows it took him long enough to put it on there!

Why does my dog always seem to be mocking me?

Minor Rant...

Dear Fucktards,

Can you please type like a normal person? Your comments are very annoying to read. And you're not being alternative by typing like a wanker. You're just being a wanker. There's a reason why there aren't many people that TyPe LkE DiS and it's because it bugs the shit out of other people and makes you looks stupid in the process. Pretending you don't know how to spell words like "They", "Probably" and "Because" is not cool, it makes us want to chain you to the front doors of the Sylvan Learning Center until you can write home to your mother without it looking like this:
MaN DiS Is ThE cOoLeSt WhItE GiRl RaPpInG sIncE...EvA!!Nd AnY1 WHo HaS A BaD ThInG AgAinst HeR Is Becoz DeR PrObLi WhIte Nd R JuS JeAlOuS CoZ deY CaNt Rap Or SiNg 4 ShiT!!

xx..****** Is Sicckk, Ive Alwayzz Thought So, She's Got Attitude, She Ent Scared o Say Wat She Thinks && She's A Straight Joka...How Can People Not Like Her?
&& Shut Ya Mouthh If Ur Sayin She's Rappin Wiv A Black Accent (Unless Ur British) Cos That Is An Average Voice For Sumbodi Her Age From London..Plus Da Word Ent Rappin, Its Called Spittin, So Pleaz Dont Cum On Ere && Say Ur Peice Unless Yu Rele No Wat ur Talkin About..xx

fankoo i agree.i frickin talk lyk dat it aynt no fuckin blk accent! loool x dickeadz! oo eve ****** is ...good on ya! xxx luv yew all xx

Grammar and Spelling Police.

PS. When the FUCK did "&&" become a fad amongst online jargon???
If you used that in actual spoken sentences as often as you use it in typewritten ones (if thats what you can call that shit) then you would just end up sounding like you had a fucking stutter.

Ode To Mom

My mom taught me to appreciate a job well done.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning the carpet!"

My mother taught me religion.
"You better pray that comes out of the carpet."

My mother taught me about time travel.
"If you don't straighten up I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week."

My mother taught me about logic.
"Because I said so, that's why."

My mother taught me foresight.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident."

My mother taught me irony.
"Keep laughing and I'll give you something to cry about."

My mother taught me about the science of osmosis.
"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

My mother taught me about contortionism.
"Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck."

My mother taught me about stamina.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is finished."

My mother taught me about hypocrisy.
"If I've told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate."

My mother taught me about the circle of life.
"I brought you into this world, I can take you out."

My mother taught me about behaviour modification.
"Stop acting like your father."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

House Sitting

So I'm headed out in a bit to go house sit for my friends that are going back to Ontario for the next 2 weeks. I gotta say, I'm feelin a little weird about it. I keep thinking I'm going to forget something all the way here at my place, and not be able to come get it once I'm there (I don't drive and transit is messed here).
Their house is extremely quiet, which I'm not used to, and being all alone in that house might actually drive me a tad bit stir crazy.
At least I'll have my dog with me. 

‎*looks up*

*looks out the window*
*looks at the dog*
*scratches arm*
*stares at the sock on the floor*
*taps fingers*
*taps foot*
*looks out the window*
*lights a smoke*
*puts out the smoke*
*eye twitches uncontrollably*

i am slowly going crazy

Vancouver Fans Destroy Their Own City

After last nights horrendous display of unsportsmanlike behaviour from Vancouver Canucks fans, I decided to go on a hunt for some of the best/worst photos of what transpired downtown last night.

I found these to start. Click here.

And here some of the aftermath. Such a disgrace.

More Photos

Google Chrome OS

Do you think Google has taken this quest for total domination too far? Do you think they'll really be able to join the game of operating systems that are monopolized by Microsoft, Linux and Apple?
What features about this new OS that they claim is solely internet based, do you think will be lacking?
Would you stick with Microsoft because it's already established or try out Google's attempt at the OS game?

Check out this video article about the new Google Chrome OS here

So Awesome.

I just spent the last hour slowly waking up.
Rolling from one side of my bed to the other, finding all the cold spots @ the bottom of my sheets and systematically flipping my pillows over when they lost their crispness.

I love waking up with nothing to do and nowhere to rush off to.

My puppy is sitting in my lap looking up @ me like I'm his hero .
I have a REALLY cold breeze coming through my window, and I can't hear anything but the sounds of the birds.

I like today already.

Now I need some music though.

**EDIT- I just tried to take a shower only to realize that the water in my building has been turned off. Deduct one point for today. LOL


Eating Mr. Noodles raw and throwing away the flavour packets.

Using my salon shampoo to wash your body.

Taking only 3 bites out of each chicken drumstick and throwing the rest in the garbage, only to complain 30 minutes later that you're hungry (and then eating 3 Mr. Noodles raw)

Dumping out half a bag of milk because it has been in the fridge for 3 days.

Telling me to buy you the cinnamon toothpaste cause thats what you use and knowing that I dont, you use all of my mint toothpaste and use your cinnamon toothpaste only twice, leaving me with nothing.

Chain smoking your whole carton of smokes in less than a week only to steal from mine leaving the apartment empty of all cigarettes and both of us miserable.

Drinking MY case of pop first instead of your iced tea, knowing that I don't like iced tea and wont drink it, leaving me with water and you with your iced tea.

Using 3/4 of a bag of milk for your jethro sized bowl of cereal (that you only eat HALF of) leaving us with no milk for coffee for the rest of the week.

Putting half a jar of miracle whip into a bowl when you only use about a tablespoons worth and then throwing the rest in the garbage.


Taking coins from the laundry money to buy coffee in the morning (which you never finish) when we have perfectly good coffee here @ home.

"How much do you have?"
"$15 til pay day"
"Ok, Just get milk, bread and a container of OJ, we'll need some money for milk half way through the week"
"Okay. Be right back."
"What is all that?"
"Pop tarts and chips"
"Where's the bread?"
"Didnt get any."
"Do you have any of that $15 left?"
"No. I bought this stuff @ the variety store. It's more expensive and I didn't have any money left for bread."
"Or milk?"


*pulls hair out and jumps off the balcony*

Sag, You're It.

1. Sag, you're It.
2. Hide and go pee.
3. 20 questions shouted into your good ear.
4. Kick the bucket
5. Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over.
6. Musical recliners.
7. Simon says something incoherent.
8. Pin the Toupee on the bald guy.

1. You sell your home heating system at a yard sale.
2. You have to write post-it notes with your kids' names on them.
3. You change your underwear after a sneeze.

1. Going! bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.
2. You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along.
3. Getting a little action means I don't need fibre today.
4. Getting lucky means you find your car in the parking lot.
5. An all-nighter means not getting up to pee!

Thoughts for the weekend:
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place!

When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunky dunk."

Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over?

Stress is when you wake up screaming and then you realize you haven't fallen a Sleep yet.

If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!

Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.

A Friend Is Like A Good Bra. Hard to Find, Supportive, Comfortable, And Always Close To Your Heart!

Fun Google Tricks I Found In My Old Blog

What You Have To Do Its To Open Google With Any Internet Browser , Paste One Of These And Click On The "I'm Feeling Lucky" Button. For The "answer to life the universe and everything" Entry YOu Have To Click The Google Search Button Instead Of "I'm Feeling Lucky".
Here Are All The Entries:
google bearshare
google loco
google gothic
google linux
google l33t
google ewmew
google bsd
google easter egg
answer to life the universe and everything
google mozilla
google gizoogle

Note to Self:

Thanks to liars like Disney and movies, we think that there
is a happily ever after. And yet when guys are rejected,
they move on. They don't sit around eating 31 Flavors, watching
"Die Hard" and saying "Why did she leave me, what is wrong, is
my wiener too small, is my head too bald?" NO!! They move on.

And frankly, I despise that men seem to be given the upper hand.
I look at classic movies and admire movie stars like Eva Gardner,
Elizabeth Taylor, and Cleopatra who got what they wanted from men
and knew they had the upper hand. They change men like changing

Why don't you teach women how to be strong rather than weak?
Eva Gardner [if she got rejected] would have said good, I have too
many of them anyway and frankly you were overflowing my box. She'd
have her martini, smoke her cigarette, and not even shed a tear.

We women have to find our balls and let men know how to treat us.
Love ourselves more and forget about 31 Flavors and watching "Pretty

How about get a manicure/pedicure and watch "Die Hard" and sip your
favorite drink and think to yourself, "I'm glad, for I have too many
of them and he was overcrowding my closet."

And it would help if men would just tell their truth from the get-go
as opposed to saying yes one minute and no the next - because of their testosterone they can't make up their minds.

Men, don't feel sorry for us WOMEN. We can take it, your pathetic
rejection. It's not like we're going to run out of men and you're
the last remaining dude. Get over yourself. You're not all that.

I say "Good! I have way too many of you anyway, and frankly you're
not the right fit. I don't need you. Thank you!"