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Monday, February 9, 2015

SPOILER ALERT!! Did I just ruin your favourite show?!

Spoilers. People hate spoilers. Even I hate spoilers.. But the only absolute, surefire way to avoid them is to lock yourself in your home, avoiding all contact with the outside world by means of face to face interaction or technology. If you don't watch something relatively soon after it airs, then you should avoid social media altogether at the very least.

You can't expect to not see articles and recaps of the episode 14 hours after it airs. It's not like I was posting legit spoilers during the time the show aired or calling people or texting them giving away what happened.
Those things would be mean intentional spoilers...
Posting an article that someone else wrote, (Like this Walking Dead article that I shared here) has absolutely no spoilers at first glance of the title, is not spoiling anything. 

How long should people wait before they can start posting on social media about a show before its no longer considered a spoiler? I could wait an hour after the credits roll to give a chance to those who PVR'd it for the purpose of skipping commercials like I so often do, I could wait a day to allow those who were sleeping or working and couldn't watch it til the next day (totally legit reason) or maybe I should wait a week for those who decide to wait til a decent (and illegal) pirated version pops up online?
Do I have to wait til after it comes out on Netflix a year from now just in case the people who still haven't started watching the series get a chance to start late (like the people who are angry that there are "spoilers" about Friends all over the Internet even tho the show is 20 yrs old)
One woman went ballistic on this "Where are they now?" article regarding an update on the twins who played Ross and Rachel's daughter Emma.. 12 whole years later. Simply because she had lived under a rock since 1994 when the show started and only now decided she was interested and thus, had no idea that Ross and Rachel procreate over a bottle of tequila. *eye roll extraordinaire*

Listen, I respect the 72hour period after a new show airs, not to post word for word exact details of what happened (who died/killed/went missing etc) in an episode to allow other fans to catch up, but if someone takes a week (or 15 years) to watch an episode that has aired, that's not my fault.
Regrettably, I admit that when the series "Lost" first aired, I had no interest. When the finale aired and all my coworkers were going on and on about it being a dogs dream... I didn't care. Not until about a year ago when I discovered it on Netflix, and decided I could see what all the fuss was about back then. Sadly, I did lose interest halfway through the second season and never got to experience the shock and disappointment of finding out the relevance that it was all a dogs dream. Most importantly, I wasn't mad that people had given away the ending years earlier before I'd had a chance to see it. I wasn't angry when, just a couple years later, The Simpsons parodied it, also giving away the "dogs dream" ending.
I had decided not to watch the show with the rest of the world, so I deserved the spoilers over the years. My fault.
It's like showing up for the last meeting of a book club that's discussing the final chapter of a book you haven't started yet, and being angry at the members for ruining it for you.

*blank stare*


5 minutes after the 5th mid season finale of The Walking Dead aired, someone posted to facebook a photo of Daryl carrying Beth and it said "RIP Beth" on it.

That's a spoiler.
That's how I found out Beth died.

A mere 15 minutes before I was able to watch my PVR'd episode.
I didn't exactly enjoy that spoiler.. But I should've known better. A highly anticipated finale of a popular tv show is airing and I haven't had a chance to watch it in real time with everyone else - I should've avoided fb and twitter like the plague.
I didn't.
When I couldn't watch episodes for days after they aired, I avoided fb and twitter. That's all you can do...  And even then, there's no guarantee that you won't walk into work one day and someone will bust out with "Can you believe so and so died last night?"
But I didn't do that to anyone with my vague twitter updates or day-after-theory-articles with nondescript titles.

But now I'm tempted to, just out of spite.

Just kidding! lol

Lastly, and once again, what I posted, is not a spoiler unless you choose to open the article and read it.

End of pointless, 1st world problem rant.